EKVALIS had 6 participants who were national representatives on the Youth Exchange “Alcohol, No Tnx!“ in Tallinn- Estonia. Throughout the exchange, non-formal learning activities were implemented as we believe it's the suitable way to reach an understanding of the really important issues that the exchange dealt with, which is alcohol abuse, its causes and its impact. More specifically, the participants:
- discussed in groups about alcohol and it’s adverse effects on the psychosomatic health of individuals
- searched for the primary causes that lead young people to alcohol through dialogue, narration of experiences and outdoor interviews of citizens. The results of the activity were presented in a short video created by the participants' groups
- engaged in a play of theatrical roles with the representation of inter-family situations and behaviors sometimes for imitation and sometimes for avoidance, on alcohol. At the end of each play, both the actors and the spectators described the feelings they have experienced
- suggested alternative ways of entertainment, free of substance abuse such as alcohol and cigarettes
- gained valuable tools that will help them with problem solving, self-esteem boosting, stress relieving, sustaining healthy relationships and making new contacts, etc.
- created informative and advisory brochures for young people in English