Violent Extremism vs Intercultural dialogue and Peace
Durres, Albania 18 to 24 of February 2019
The project activities:
1) an international capacity building training for 27 participants coming from in Durres, Albania from 18 to 24 of February 2019.
2) Follow up workshops ( 2 in each country) / March – April 2019
3) Online Campaign / February – March 2019
Association for Educational Development EKVALIS is partner in the capacity building training “Violent Extremism VS Peace“ that aims to build capacities of youth workers, activists, young teachers, volunteers and teachers on building peaceful societies by having an active role on preventing violent extremism. This training is implemented by PVN Albania with support of the European Youth Foundation and the Council of Europe.
Project objectives:
-To build capacities of 27 youth workers, youth leaders, teachers, activists and volunteers from 9 countries on push off and push off factors which influence and combat violent extremism, how to combat it, how to reduce stereotypes and hate speech, through a week international capacity building training , and enable trained participants transfer their knowledge among their peers at national level though the online and offline follow activities at each participating countries.
- To enhance the regional collaboration, practice intercultural learning – dialogue and non formal education tools , combated stereotypes and hate speech on the Balkan region which leads to violent extremism by making possible working together young people and youth workers on the common topic during the training and planning together follow up actions.
- To foster active involvement of young people at their national level to combat stereotypes and address violent extremism by organizing themselves with the support of their organization follow up activities online and offline in their respective countries
Criteria for participants:
- Age from 18 to 30
- Able to understand and talk in English
- Be interested on the topic of radicalization, peace, intercultural dialogue, regional collaboration
- Being able and motivated to organize follow up workshop in her/his own country
- Be active on sharing the project products *video, counter narratives, photos etc on social network / disseminate the project
- Preferably have experience on the topics, youth field and/or mobility’s.
The project is supported from European Youth Foundation ( EYF). All expenses related to travel and accommodation are covered by the organiser.
Participation fee is 10 euros. The travel cost approved by EYF is 30 euros for Macedonian participants which covers bus transpiration (Skopje-Dures- Skopje)
Applications are now open and you can register on this link: https://goo.gl/forms/GOHECFEzBwj0ifAh1
The deadline to submit applications is 31.12.2018 at 23:59. Incomplete and late applications are not going to be accepted.