Are you a young person from North Macedonia, Kosovo* or Serbia who is interested in learning how to deconstruct hateful and dividing narratives by using digital media tools? Are you passionate and willing to challenge and change the stories for those who are marginalized and oppressed? If you want to tackle topics such as nationalism, sexism and homophobia through the usage of media, the training “Balkan Messengers - The Role of Media in Creating Alternative Narratives” is the right place for you.
The training course “Balkan Messengers- The Role of Media in Creating Alternative Narratives” is open to young people aged 18 to 30 from North Macedonia, Kosovo and Serbia. The training will take place in Kratovo, North Macedonia from 15 June- 21 June, 2021. Please take a look at the COVID-19 protocols under which the training will take place here and note that participants must comply with all COVID-19 measures at all times during the training.Download the COVID-19 here. COVID Protocols
The training course is primarily designed to assist youth activists from the three Western Balkan places to use new media (mainly podcasts, memes and videos) in their efforts to combat nationalism, sexism and homophobia. Therefore, young people with a background in activism, young podcasters, and youth social media influencers, but also any other young people who are interested to expand their horizons in the following topics are invited to apply:
- Influences of the past into the life of todays’ youth: understanding the context, dealing with the past, spotting the roots of nationalism, ethnocentrism, segregation, sexism and homophobia.
- Approaches to understanding harmful media narratives and mapping them.
- Approaches in narratives deconstruction, creation of counter narratives and alternative narratives.
- Power of stories and the youth position in creating alternative narratives and stories for marginalized communities.
- Media literacy and media activism as an essential step to combating negative influences of ethnocentrism, nationalism, segregations, sexism and homophobia.
- Exercising the usage of trending media platforms among youth, while creating alternative narratives about social groups and those targeted and harmed by the dominant harmful narratives.
- Supporting systems and mechanisms when dealing with hateful speech in the media or towards activists.
- Media working stations: Creation of podcasts, memes creation and media campaigning.
- Angel Dimitrievski, is an experienced media educator. He has an MA in Media Education and has worked in creating sustainable digital solutions by and for young people in the international hackathon SOMEJAM (Tampere- Finland). Angel has a vast experience in diversity topics (with a focus on gender, sexuality and peace building) as part of several educational youth programs on national and regional level. Angel has a background in educational activities on peace building with students and teachers, has participated in the creation of the Handbook for Peace Education and was trainer on the “Peer Educators for Peace Education” training implemented by Ekvalis.
- Elena Danova, has educational background in journalism and is a certified youth worker. She has extensive personal experience in activism (especially eco activism and feminism). Elena has been working on Ekvalis’ summer school for combating discrimination and promoting equality through podcast creation and media campaigning.
- Andrea Velinova, is a licenced psychologist and part of the Chamber of psychologists. She has an MA in psychological studies in the areas of personality and counselling. She works as a manager and psychotherapist at the First Family Center- HERA; specialized counselling center for victims, children; gender and family based violence. Andrea also has experience in topics related to peace building and has been trained as an advanced activist for peace building with a focus on gender topics (harassment on women in public spaces).
- Info session; North Macedonia, Skopje - 25.05.2021 (offline at the Ekvalis office and online for the interested applicants living outside of Skopje). Time: 10:30-12:00
- Info session; Kosovo, Klina - 26.05.2021- (offline at the Ardhmeria Youth Center and online via Zoom). Time: 13:00-14:30
- Info session; Novi Sad, Serbia - 26.05.2021 (offline at the Balkan Idea Novi Sad and online via Zoom). Time: 18:00- 19:30